UUID issue with new hard-drive

I just added a new hard-drive to my system. I created an ext3 partition and used vol_id and blkid to show the UUID. Based on that information, I edited the /etc/fstab file accordingly. When I try the sudo mount -a command, I get

and the mount fails.
To resolve that, just use

It updates the /dev/disk/by-uuid directory and your uuid mount works like a charm.

  1. That doesn’t work in Ubuntu Linux 😛

  2. No, doesn’t work in ubuntu server 8.04. Anybody knows how to get it working?

  3. Thank you so much for this. Worked in Ubuntu server 8.04 after I finally got around to partitioning my new hard drive. If it didn’t work, make sure you got the UUID correct by checking the output of blkid.

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