Recently I had the oportunity to test SQL Pretty Printer (Add-In for SSMS). I don’t have to waste time formatting long sql queries. In no time, SQL Pretty Printer does the job
for me. It can also translate the sql code into C#, Java, Php and many other program languages so I can use it in my own programs.
SQL Pretty printer is designed to deal with SQL statement used by different Database Such as MSSQL, Oracle, DB2, Informix, Sybase, Postgres, MySQL and so on. The code conforms to most of the entry-level SQL99 Standard.
To use this add-in you need to have SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), with .NET2.0 installed. In sql editor you can use shortcut key (ctrl+k,ctrl+j for all sqls, and ctrl+k, ctrl+h for selected sql). There is also a toolbar with two buttons to format sql or selected sql.
To see it in action, take a look here, where you have some sample code blocks before and after the formatting.
Tag Archives: Informix
Beautify SQL code
Posted by cviorel
on March 15, 2011
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