Install Django on Ubuntu 8.10

Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.
To install it on your Ubuntu, follow the next steps:

1. Install python (if you have it installed, skip this step)

2. Download the tarball from the Django Project website. You can download this file to your home directory.

3. Now we can just move this entire package to somewhere logical. You can move it anywhere you like, but remember to modify the links accordingly. I use /usr/local/lib/.

4. Link to it from the Python site-packages directory, and create a link to the executable.

5. Test it by changing to your home directory and running django-admin!

You should see this:

6. Happy programming!

  1. I think on 8.10 you can just:

    sudo apt-get install python-django

    and it will setup all the stuff

  2. Vitaliy, you are right. But if you want to have the latest version, you’ll use my method.

  3. for me the “sudo apt-get install python-django” approach just failed, on ubuntu 9.04. anyway, its a great, understandable and working guide! keep up with the free work :p

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